
easter and knickers

Catching up with some Easter pictures and last night's wedding! Enjoy!

Umm...yeah, Ryan won a prize bigger than him! :-)

Here's little Oliver Twist!

The gorgeous bride and happy couple! Congrats to Dave and Jacqueline! We had a blast - thanks again for including us in your special day! Have fun in Cozumel next week!

Can't wait to see the sneak peeks their photographer posts! (Hint, hint!) Chad was awesome, and even showed me a couple of tricks on my camera!

Also, I know there was one picture of Tony, Ryan, and me together - but we'll have to wait to see it until Tony's Dad sends it to us!



We had another poopy on the potty last night! Go Ryan!

Have some fun pics from dyeing Easter eggs last night - will try to post them this weekend. Happy Easter, everyone!



Pulled a bunch of fun pictures off of my camera this morning, so I thought I'd share some random ones from the past month or so. Enjoy!

How high can it go?

Trying on big boy undies for the first time (and soon after peeing on the couch....)

Playing ball!
Caught him mid-jump! :-)
Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! (gotta love the burst mode)



my big boy

My big boy came up to me last night before bedtime and said, "Poopy!" I asked him if he needed to go, he said yes, so I took him back to the potty. And sure enough, he did. He got two M&M's for that one. :-)


Mama Mondays - Ryan's Favorite Books

As a piggy-back post to Erin's (who has quite the delightful blog...I discovered her through a message board when her daughter was a finalist in the BabyGap contest a couple of years ago - and she won! Sarah is about the same age as Ryan, so it's been neat to compare notes. I'm sure you'll bookmark her blog once you've read it the first time! But I digress...), the following are a few of Ryan's most favorite books...these are the ones we've read over and over and over again. Some we have received free from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, which you should totally look into if it is available in your area. One free book a month! Gotta love that!

Okay, the list:
Any of the "How Do Dinosaurs..." books by Jane Yolan (Get Well Soon is a fave)
Raindrop Plop by Wendy Cheyette Lewison (a great counting book, from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library)
Anything by Sandra Boynton (especially Fuzzy Fuzzy Fuzzy...and Belly Button Book is on my list of "baby shower must-give gifts")
Anything by Karen Katz (right now loving A Potty for Me)
"Stand Back," said the Elephant, "I'm Going to Sneeze!" (a book my mom saved for me from when I was little!) by Patricia Thomas
When the Elephant Walks (Keiki Lasza, another Dolly Parton book)
Hooray for Fish (super bright colors, looks painted - Lucy Cousins)
I Love My Mama (Peter Kavanagh)
A Number of Animals (Christopher Wormell)
Don't Forget the Oatmeal (another one saved from my childhood, by B.G. Ford - Sesame Street book)
Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? (Eric Carle)

If you have a Kohl's near you, they are doing 4 Dr. Seuss books this month as their $5 Kohl's Cares for Kids special. They don't hold Ry's interest yet, although he did love going to see "Horton Hears a Who" this weekend!



Niki tagged me, and I'm supposed to; * Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Let's see...

  1. I am completely addicted to etsy - I even have a "favorite etsy shops" folder in "my favorites"

  2. I have a sewing machine that I don't know how to hook up, and tons of fabrics and patterns just waiting for me to figure it out

  3. I have hundreds of dollars worth of scrapbook supplies in my craft closet, but I don't really enjoy scrapbooking anymore, nor do I have the time to do it (guess they'll go in the garage sale this summer with all of the baby stuff!)

  4. I hate eating tomatoes, but love tomato soup, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, etc.

  5. I cut my hair chin length every 3-4 years, and always wish I hadn't

  6. I take hundreds (literally) of pictures of Ryan every week, but am bad about getting them printed out

  7. I'm obsessed with watching Jon & Kate + Eight, Project Runway, Top Chef, Dancing With the Stars, Grey's Anatomy, and am starting to get back into Lost, but missing last season really threw me off.

Sorry those were so lame! :-) Okay, hardly any of my friends have blogs (come on people!), so this is hard...do MySpace pages count? I'm tagging: Jenni, April, Erika, Erin (cool! she posted some pics from her maternity shoot!), Tania, Jacqueline, and Angie.

ETA: Here's a pic, too! :-) "Cooking in jammies"


march for babies

Since there are obviously a lot of people coming here that I don't know (I'm not even sure what countries some of those dots are in!), I thought I'd share (a condensed version of) my story. Hopefully it will inspire you to click on that little badge over there on the right to support me in the March for Babies. If you are local, I'd love for you to join my team as we walk on April 27 in Hummel Park. Jenni and her 4 little ones already have (thanks babe!).

My husband Tony and I were married in the fall of 2001 and immediately started "trying" for a baby. After 4 years of frustration, we finally found out we were pregnant in August 2005. We were ecstatic! In January I was at my usual check-up and my blood pressure was reading a little high. Okay, a lot high. 160/100. I was immediately admitted to the hospital for observation and, once my blood pressure had been down for a few hours, sent home to be on bed rest until I delivered. I had to go in every 2-3 days to be checked (and wasn't allowed to drive, so thank goodness my mom doesn't work outside of the home!), and almost every single time I went in for a check-up, I would be admitted to the hospital again. They finally just kept me in because I had developed a headache that would not go away (a second symptom of pre-eclampsia), and on February 8, I delivered Ryan via C-section. He was 4 pounds, 12 ounces (pretty big for being over 6 weeks early), and had some lung issues that first day. He was on a CPAP for awhile, and I didn't even get to hold him until he was around 10 hours old. He had to stay in the NICU for 15 days until he was able to regulate his own body temperature (it was consistently LOW - too low - so low that sometimes when we would be at the NICU to visit, they didn't want us to take him out of the incubator except to nurse him).

There's no absolute known cause for pre-eclampsia, although I have a suspicion that my high-stress, way-too-much-overtime job had a lot to do with it. (Don't worry - I don't work there anymore. While I was pregnant 2 other girls who worked there were also put on bed rest.) I don't know what I would have done if we had lost Ryan, but I'm sure going to do whatever I can to help support the March of Dimes in their quest to end premature births. I hope you will, too.


busy weekend

What a busy weekend we had! It started out Friday night with me getting off work late (again!), and then meeting Nana and Ryan at Pizza King for dinner. Saturday morning Ryan and I did a maternity shoot for our friend Erika's twin sister Erin (due mid-April), came home, played around the house, and then...went to the circus! It was definitely too long of an event for a 2-year-old to sit through, so we left at intermission. Sunday morning we got up and had breakfast at our favorite morning place - FlapJacks. A quick stop at Wal-Mart and then home for lunch. At 1, we met up with Jenni and her crew for a puppet show! I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was really cute and Ryan loved it! We're planning to go back in April and take Nana with us! Sunday was unseasonably warm, so after the puppet show we ventured over to a nearby park and played on the jungle gym and walked the trails. Very good weekend! I have pictures to go with everything, but will have to post them later. Off to fold some laundry before Ryan's bedtime and time for one of my favorite shows!

If you're stopping by, please leave a comment! I'm very curious who my international visitors are! :-)

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